Clear Thinking Oct 29
There is no right or wrong to mediation. There are practices that make it more effective: Music, Guided meditation, focusing on a mantra. Choose what works for you. When you are under stress it helps to calm us down and how to change our thinking in a more positive way to see the larger picture.
It is even more important when we are stressed to meditate as during these times we produce more Cortisol. The stress hormone CORTISOL creates the fight or flight state. This particular hormone creates an adaptive response by increasing the neurological connections within the brain. When continual stressors occur, you end up with ADRENAL OVERLOAD. This can also cause mental health issues such as depression and anxiety and in turn also creates the sensation of brain fog, poor memory and irritability.
Daily meditation actually changes the wiring within the brain. Daily meditation has also been found to reduce circulating inflammatory markers in your blood stream, which makes it an effective treatment for those with chronic pain. It improves the immune function and assists in reversing your biologic age in comparison with your chronological age, making it a great anti-aging treatment.
Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do that. Because what he world needs is people who have come alive. in love and light
There is no right or wrong to mediation. There are practices that make it more effective: Music, Guided meditation, focusing on a mantra. Choose what works for you. When you are under stress it helps to calm us down and how to change our thinking in a more positive way to see the larger picture.
It is even more important when we are stressed to meditate as during these times we produce more Cortisol. The stress hormone CORTISOL creates the fight or flight state. This particular hormone creates an adaptive response by increasing the neurological connections within the brain. When continual stressors occur, you end up with ADRENAL OVERLOAD. This can also cause mental health issues such as depression and anxiety and in turn also creates the sensation of brain fog, poor memory and irritability.
Daily meditation actually changes the wiring within the brain. Daily meditation has also been found to reduce circulating inflammatory markers in your blood stream, which makes it an effective treatment for those with chronic pain. It improves the immune function and assists in reversing your biologic age in comparison with your chronological age, making it a great anti-aging treatment.
Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do that. Because what he world needs is people who have come alive. in love and light