t.Emotional Growth July 27
Emotional growth through experiences are our teachers pleasant and unpleasant. The spirit of man needs opposition or imbalance in his life to promote growth. Suffering is the equivalent to imbalance in your life. Pain and conflict are our teacher along with joy and excitement.
So if you have suffering ask yourself what ( weaknees) is it that I need to address in my life to move forward?
Remember perfect balance result in perfect stagnation.
In love and light
Emotional growth through experiences are our teachers pleasant and unpleasant. The spirit of man needs opposition or imbalance in his life to promote growth. Suffering is the equivalent to imbalance in your life. Pain and conflict are our teacher along with joy and excitement.
So if you have suffering ask yourself what ( weaknees) is it that I need to address in my life to move forward?
Remember perfect balance result in perfect stagnation.
In love and light