, Hearing GOD
I have been teaching many forms of Meditation , Spiritual Awareness, Channeling, Healing and other workshops for about 40 years. Yes friends I am dating myself. Like to think I am 21 but actually a few years older.
My Monday and Thursday Night Class of Meditation, and Developing Intuition allows you to feel calm, relaxed with the INTENTION of discovering you have the capability to connect to source to bring about peace, tranquility and a knowingness that only you can feel. We must always remember that peace comes from within, not from without. We are not separate units of intelligence but part of a large intelligence that units all mankind. As you learn to meditate and connect to higher states of awareness many changes happen. Your INTENTION becomes more accurate. Problem solving abilities increase and peace and tranquility become the daily norm. Things that used to become big issues do not seem to have the same effect on you emotionally.
On Monday night after the previous message and Seeing God's eyes I received another message during the Meditation. I was channeling a meditation to walk them through connecting to higher self and to the Source of all that is. I then move to the silence to allow each student to gain guidance in whatever way spirit directs them. During the silence I hear the voice again speak to me. "I am the voice of GOD. " WHEN YOU WORK WITH THESE STUDENTS IT ALLOWS THEM TO HEAL AND BECOME MORE CONNECTED TO SOURCE." Once again I am overwhelmed by the voice.
There is no need for temples: no need for complicated philosophy. Our heart is our temple. You are the LIGHT of the world- raise your vibration and Keep on shining. in love and light Rev Alva Folkes
I have been teaching many forms of Meditation , Spiritual Awareness, Channeling, Healing and other workshops for about 40 years. Yes friends I am dating myself. Like to think I am 21 but actually a few years older.
My Monday and Thursday Night Class of Meditation, and Developing Intuition allows you to feel calm, relaxed with the INTENTION of discovering you have the capability to connect to source to bring about peace, tranquility and a knowingness that only you can feel. We must always remember that peace comes from within, not from without. We are not separate units of intelligence but part of a large intelligence that units all mankind. As you learn to meditate and connect to higher states of awareness many changes happen. Your INTENTION becomes more accurate. Problem solving abilities increase and peace and tranquility become the daily norm. Things that used to become big issues do not seem to have the same effect on you emotionally.
On Monday night after the previous message and Seeing God's eyes I received another message during the Meditation. I was channeling a meditation to walk them through connecting to higher self and to the Source of all that is. I then move to the silence to allow each student to gain guidance in whatever way spirit directs them. During the silence I hear the voice again speak to me. "I am the voice of GOD. " WHEN YOU WORK WITH THESE STUDENTS IT ALLOWS THEM TO HEAL AND BECOME MORE CONNECTED TO SOURCE." Once again I am overwhelmed by the voice.
There is no need for temples: no need for complicated philosophy. Our heart is our temple. You are the LIGHT of the world- raise your vibration and Keep on shining. in love and light Rev Alva Folkes