Healing the Sacrum Feb 26
Telbisz is an old friend who lives west of Montreal. We met a body Electronics Workshop 24 years ago in Toronto. He often visited on his way to and from Toronto as we lived near the 401 in Whitby, now he detours via Peterborough. I love his enthusiasm, he constantly shares his latest experiences and what he has learned from the interesting souls he meets during his travels.
On his last visit, talk turned to my recent exploits and this gave him the idea for me to do a healing on him. I asked why? He said, with a mischievous smile: "You tell me."
So, as I was aligning with his energies, spirit drew to his left leg between the knee and ankle. I explained the area was drawing a lot of energy and I felt it was tied into an old injury from decades ago.
I was then drawn to the lower spine at L3. The 3rd vertebrae up from the tailbone. They showed me a small injury that had healed, yet the area was still out of alignment and needed balancing. I also was shown a bicycle which told me that the injury was related to an accident when he was much younger. He replied that he had an accident around 16 where he did a summersault over the handlebars when he had to brake suddenly after racing a Mack Truck from a takeoff from a traffic light. He did not fell he hit his tailbone, although he had plenty of other injuries. I explained that we are not always aware of how injuries impact the body. The predominant ones are what we remember. As I continue to heal the sacrum he states that his left shoulder is feeling the warmth moving into it.
Telbisz explains that the Osteopath say he has torn ligament damage in that shoulder,(which will take a long time to heal) and the meniscus in both his knees does not get much blood flow and that therefore, all he can do for his off and on knee pain/discomfort is to lose weight and that full healing of his knees is not attainable through osteopathy or chiropractic care.
I explain that energy goes to where it is needed." You probably had an issue during the accident and this is being healed". He complains that he had more pain in his Right leg than left. Obviously, that when you injure one side, you favour the other side and it hurts more often. We balance the left leg. We close the session, explaining that the following week he will feel a lot better with more energy. I am also being told we need to do this at least twice more.