Real love is selflessness, the love that seeks nothing for itself, and in its highest form embraces the whole world of humanity. You are not an evolved soul until you can say, because I believe it, “I love all mankind. Love is the motivating force that causes motion, attraction, and growth. In its essence Love is divine like everything else, however, metaphysically speaking. Divine Love vibrates at a very high frequency, and is an expression of God-Consciousness. Any being that truly loves and impersonally is divinely-centered. Love gives one access to spiritual and divine energies.
One’s Spiritual growth is dependent upon the unfoldment of love within one’s heart. The greater our unconditional and impersonal love, directed by wisdom and understanding, the greater our spirituality. One who does not know how to give or receive love is spiritually ill. Love must first be generated WITHIN if we are to experience loving others .Love increases and judgement decreases.
The frequency 528 htz is love, healing and harmony. The note of F represents the heart chakra and also increases oxygen to the body. The Sanskrit sound (vowel) is “ah” .Music for the heart is Debussy’s Clair de Lune, Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto in F Major and Beethoven’s Symphony no 8 in F. In case you want romantic music.)
There is love between two people who are complimentary to one another. I have been blessed three times. I was truly blessed with each relationship. The first I could not live with, even though I loved him. The first was learning lessons of demanding respect, standing strong and the courage to move on when it became emotionally destructive. The next two were partners: complete opposites, allowing me to discover more about what I wanted, and needed to change to be a better partner. Change can only come from within.
When demands are made it begins to weaken the relationship. Balance, respect and talking are the key to growing together. It does not mean you have to agree, but talking often allows both partners to understand how to find balance and work through anything. Once trust is lost: it can never be regained. With Valentines’ day near, I reflect on the Soul lessons that have enriched my life and allowed me to grow learn and continue discovering how grand love is.
Happy Valentines’ day to all in love and light