I encounter many students from all walks of life. I treat each individually to assist them to move forward grow and learn at whatever level they are on. One of the meditation students was emotionally distraught and I was aware that suicide had crossed her mind a few times. I was awakened by spirit late one night to check in on her. I sat across from her on the couch and explained much of what I am about to share with you.
Life is precious. Heaven and Hell are here on the earth. This is the only Universe that we learn real soul lessons in the physical. When you choose to take your own life there are repercussions. God does NOT judge you. You judge yourself and often come back sooner then you should, with harder lessons in the area that distressed you the most. The irony of this is that from the other side you believe you can handle more and choose a tougher situation to work through. The afterlife for these individuals are often a revolving door as they are aware there and forget how tough the earth plane can be. You do not bring the memories back to know that this was a past life soul lesson.
As I stated this is where we LEARN SOUL LESSONS not in the afterlife. It may be difficult but asking for assistance from others makes the journey here easier. Baby steps and changing your thinking to positive thoughts is the first step to change. There are many ways of changing thought process. I often give affirmations to use every time they start to think negatively. Positive thinking in combination with addressing what the issue/problem is and seeking professional help is advised.
The student returned to the next class and said,” thank your staying with me to explain why it was necessary to stay”. I smiled and said you are welcome. “As a man thinketh in his heart so he is” We assist each other to the best of our abilities. In love and light
It is scientifically proven fact that every mental change is followed by a physical change, for every thought we think has its effect upon the physical body in which we live. The Chemistry of Thought