I have been encouraged to share insights, wisdom and knowledge. I feel that with my 35 years of experience, perhaps I can bring you some information to assist you in your awareness. I suspect this is also my memoirs of past, present and future to start sharing. Let’s start with why I feel this is a good idea.
As I share information with others, I also gleam insights that may perhaps give you “ah ha” moments.
An analogy is the ripple affect that we all know. When we throw a rock into a pond, the ripples flow out towards the other side of the pond and then begin the journey back to where the ripples began. This pattern continues until the ripples become so subtle that you can no longer see them. This is often how we begin to see patterns and become aware of other ideas; thoughts that can perhaps change our way of looking at events that are happening in our life. If this idea appeals to you, please join me as I share what I am becoming more aware of and the reflections of my past insights.
As I share information with others, I also gleam insights that may perhaps give you “ah ha” moments.
An analogy is the ripple affect that we all know. When we throw a rock into a pond, the ripples flow out towards the other side of the pond and then begin the journey back to where the ripples began. This pattern continues until the ripples become so subtle that you can no longer see them. This is often how we begin to see patterns and become aware of other ideas; thoughts that can perhaps change our way of looking at events that are happening in our life. If this idea appeals to you, please join me as I share what I am becoming more aware of and the reflections of my past insights.