Personal Healing: Nov 11
I have chosen to release the emotional trauma of my memory loss. When you don't remember the pain of emotional issues it is higher self saying. If I stuff this down I can survive and carry on for the moment and then it is held in the cellular memory of the body.
I personally want to be clear out the cellular memory that no longer serves me. We all carry memories from good and bad experiences. So car accidents, falling off your bike, being abused , mentally, physically, even the unkind word. NO one is exempt. The more you stuff it down the more issues you have accumulated. We must know our body and its response to outside influences, its basic weaknesses, strengths, what we can handle and what we cannot. A dis-ease manifestation most often occurs in a weak area of the body and can be the result of stress and/or susceptibility due to basic genetics of the individual. When we are aware of such weakness and susceptibilities, we can take measures to strengthen and protect ourselves from imbalance, despite the role of genetics.
This is Ill-ness, and dis-ease I am not berating anyone who had an illness. I am stating that this is personal choice to heal the emotions behind the issue at a soul level. All forms of matter are simply the manifestation of energy -Universal Consciousness. Physical Health depends on all the surrounding environmental influences as well as the spiritual and mental states. When we are fully balanced we see, hear, and feel and act differently that when we are feeling unbalanced.
All ancient scriptures speak of the body being a temple.. You can be the most gifted spiritual person alive, but if you do not give proper care through, diet, exercise, rest and breathing of the physical temple, problems will arise and manifest. in love and light
"Life is a series of experiences, each of which makes us bigger, even though it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and griefs which we endure help us in our marching onward."Henry Ford"
I have chosen to release the emotional trauma of my memory loss. When you don't remember the pain of emotional issues it is higher self saying. If I stuff this down I can survive and carry on for the moment and then it is held in the cellular memory of the body.
I personally want to be clear out the cellular memory that no longer serves me. We all carry memories from good and bad experiences. So car accidents, falling off your bike, being abused , mentally, physically, even the unkind word. NO one is exempt. The more you stuff it down the more issues you have accumulated. We must know our body and its response to outside influences, its basic weaknesses, strengths, what we can handle and what we cannot. A dis-ease manifestation most often occurs in a weak area of the body and can be the result of stress and/or susceptibility due to basic genetics of the individual. When we are aware of such weakness and susceptibilities, we can take measures to strengthen and protect ourselves from imbalance, despite the role of genetics.
This is Ill-ness, and dis-ease I am not berating anyone who had an illness. I am stating that this is personal choice to heal the emotions behind the issue at a soul level. All forms of matter are simply the manifestation of energy -Universal Consciousness. Physical Health depends on all the surrounding environmental influences as well as the spiritual and mental states. When we are fully balanced we see, hear, and feel and act differently that when we are feeling unbalanced.
All ancient scriptures speak of the body being a temple.. You can be the most gifted spiritual person alive, but if you do not give proper care through, diet, exercise, rest and breathing of the physical temple, problems will arise and manifest. in love and light
"Life is a series of experiences, each of which makes us bigger, even though it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and griefs which we endure help us in our marching onward."Henry Ford"