The main Spinal Injury- Mikal
I had an inquiry as to assisting someone in a wheel chair. I immediately was informed by spirit that a virus had caused the issues of immobility. I received a phone call from Mikal asking me to come and do some healing on him. When I arrived I proceeded to explain how I work and inquired to the exact circumstances that surrounded what had occurred prior to his loss of movement. He had been working with a Naturopath for a few years who believed he had Lyme's disease.
The word "VIRUS" repeated in my head. I spend 2 to 2-1/2 hours with appropriate hands positions waiting for the body to energetically balance. I could feel energy flowing to the extremities. The only thing he felt was heat. I inquired what was the traumatic experience that happened at approximately 4 years old? He stated it was when his father abandoned the family. I realized that he felt responsible for the break up. I told him that a 4 year old is not responsible for the actions of adults. He was a victim of the circumstance. I then inquired about the incident at 17 years of age? Mikal explained about being on a 4 wheeler and it overturned into a ditch and hit him mid-back (T-12) where I had placed my hands. He stated that it was very sore but he carried on as if nothing had happened. I then stated that emotionally he was carrying the emotional scars in that area. I had released the emotions surrounding the incident at 17, not the abandonment.
I informed Mikal that I would have to do research to find out what the virus was. I returned home and found myself exhausted. I required 12 hours of sleep as I knew the work had been intense. I have not had to rest after a session like that for years.
I started to do research into the virus and I believe he has "Poliomyelitis" which is inflammation of the spine, swelling and destruction of the neurons. I called him to let him know what I believed to be the issue. Now he could go to a Medical Doctor to be tested. He also needed to do some hypnosis surrounding the guilt of abandonment. I do believe that the emotional scars as well as getting proper diagnosis and medication for the Virus will allow him to be mobile once again. It will take time .
Many of our emotional scars are misconceptions arrived at through logic without access to the facts. They are accredited through our lifetime experiences to us by our family. When we understand where they came from, we can begin to release and heal the physical and emotional body. The main focus of therapy is to shift the awareness of individuals to see how trauma is lodged inside of them and then to asisst them to release it. in love and light
I had an inquiry as to assisting someone in a wheel chair. I immediately was informed by spirit that a virus had caused the issues of immobility. I received a phone call from Mikal asking me to come and do some healing on him. When I arrived I proceeded to explain how I work and inquired to the exact circumstances that surrounded what had occurred prior to his loss of movement. He had been working with a Naturopath for a few years who believed he had Lyme's disease.
The word "VIRUS" repeated in my head. I spend 2 to 2-1/2 hours with appropriate hands positions waiting for the body to energetically balance. I could feel energy flowing to the extremities. The only thing he felt was heat. I inquired what was the traumatic experience that happened at approximately 4 years old? He stated it was when his father abandoned the family. I realized that he felt responsible for the break up. I told him that a 4 year old is not responsible for the actions of adults. He was a victim of the circumstance. I then inquired about the incident at 17 years of age? Mikal explained about being on a 4 wheeler and it overturned into a ditch and hit him mid-back (T-12) where I had placed my hands. He stated that it was very sore but he carried on as if nothing had happened. I then stated that emotionally he was carrying the emotional scars in that area. I had released the emotions surrounding the incident at 17, not the abandonment.
I informed Mikal that I would have to do research to find out what the virus was. I returned home and found myself exhausted. I required 12 hours of sleep as I knew the work had been intense. I have not had to rest after a session like that for years.
I started to do research into the virus and I believe he has "Poliomyelitis" which is inflammation of the spine, swelling and destruction of the neurons. I called him to let him know what I believed to be the issue. Now he could go to a Medical Doctor to be tested. He also needed to do some hypnosis surrounding the guilt of abandonment. I do believe that the emotional scars as well as getting proper diagnosis and medication for the Virus will allow him to be mobile once again. It will take time .
Many of our emotional scars are misconceptions arrived at through logic without access to the facts. They are accredited through our lifetime experiences to us by our family. When we understand where they came from, we can begin to release and heal the physical and emotional body. The main focus of therapy is to shift the awareness of individuals to see how trauma is lodged inside of them and then to asisst them to release it. in love and light