I had the first very unwelcome client last year. I do not judge if you come for a reading. I do my best for everyone. My responsibility is to assist in whatever area you need guidance. Sometimes I know the client is not happy about the information being imparted. When it is given to me I try to find a gentle way of explaining why difficult insights are being given.
I had a client who had never had a reading before. I tried to put him at ease and explain how it works. As I was a few minutes into it, I stated this is all information you already know, so if you don’t want help let me know. You have boundaries up and are not sure if you really want help. Well he agreed and so I stated. He was being contacted by aliens and was given insights he was not comfortable with. He was getting insights into future events. They were sharing what was going to happens to him.
OOPs I was confirming everything he didn’t want to hear. He stood up screamed I was an imposter and headed for the door, yelling all the way to the door that I was the one who was crazy. I have never had this happen before. I was relieved when he closed the front door.
An hour later he came back to apologize. Earlier in year he went to a Doctor and they placed in a mental ward for 3 months. They said everything was his imagination and he was not to talk about it. He had come for me to confirm it was all in his imagination. I didn’t do that. I opened Pandoras Box.
We spent time talking about why it was happening and how he could learn to work with it etc.. That was one experience I could have done without, however I know that not everyone had my understanding knowledge and awareness that not everyone see, hears or communicates with the unknown.
When we deal with the public not everyone will be to your liking or will they always get what information you share. Be polite courteous and do your best even when it is unusual or not in your comfort zone. I have discovered this was spirit testing me for future commitment. I do not share a lot about aliens, contact or insight I have as it intimidates the majority of people. I get it. I am not here to change any ones belief system. That is personal growth and responsibility.
Destiny determines who enters you life, but you decide who stays. There are three things in life that leave and never return: words, time and opportunities. You choose. In love and light